About Me

I have always had a passion for helping others. After receiving my psychology degree from St. Mary's University, it was no surprise that I decided to follow my dreams of teaching. Currently, I am in the Fast-track Primary Elementary program at Memorial University and will have completed this degree in August. Soon after I plan to pursue my Masters in Educational Guidance.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Why did I choose this topic?
I choose the topic of classroom management because I feel it is such an important part of a healthy and productive classroom. A teacher must have effective classroom control as well as an open, honest and caring environment to ensure that the most efficient learning is taking place. Without classroom management limited learning occurs.

My personal experience with classroom management.
As a preservice teacher, my experience is limited; however, I have had the opportunity to observe several teaching styles and management techniques through volunteering and professional days within my program. I have come to the conclusion that each teacher has his or her own strategies, some better than others. Through my observation, it is evident that classroom management is the key to a productive learning environment and that without effective management it is the students who suffer most.

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